Saturday, 28 May 2016

Reunited in Hawaii

     We got off the ship this morning and went to a laundromat to do lanundry from the cruise while we waited for the others to arrive.  We stopped off at the local Don Quijote for price comparison.  Once we finished the laundry, we headed to the airport to greet the others.  Once they landed, they had to taxi for an hour until a gate opened.  We found everyone and presented them with the hand made Lei's Linda and I made for them all.  On the way to the hotel we are stuck in Honolulu traffic since several lanes are closed on the major highway.  Now every other vehicle is taking the same alternate route.  Just like home only it is 4 P. M.  in the afternoon in Honolulu verses 10 P. M. back home.  Our current objective feed the masses and let them get some much needed rest.  It took Linda and I three days to get adjusted.

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